Monday, March 26, 2007

The Oklahoma Capital Building - A Finished Work

Amazingly enough, only Rae had ever been inside the Oklahoma Capital. And none of us had seen the newly added dome. Yep, they built this thing without the dome and it was used that way for some 95 years. And there was a lot of grief about spending the money to finish it (seems many Oklahomans would rather use the money for lottery tickets or casino gambling), but somewhere enough sane people banded together and got this project finished and it is in a word, grand.

It was a lazy Friday afternoon when we finally found a door that would let us in, but it was worth the trouble. Touring the Senate and House chambers was also on the schedule, but there were many extrodinary pieces of art thoughout the capital and it is another stop well worth the effort.

And any place that would have a working oil well on the capital grounds is OK by me.

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